Saturday, November 26, 2005

Do you know whats in your food?

I've had this discussion several times recently with friends and we all really wonder what is going on with packaged/processed and grocery foods. Have you noticed how quickly children are maturing these days? Do you wonder if it has anything to do with additives/preservatives/hormones? We really wonder about this as we know that these days so many hormones/additives and antibiotics are being fed to animals on a daily basis that it's scary.

Chickens in egg houses are raised on feeds with antibiotics, beef are given hormones to mature more quickly, veggies are treated with so many pesticides, dairy cows are being treated with hormones to produce more milk, what in the world is this doing to humans?

I've been on an anti-antibiotic/antibacterial kick for a long time, I personally believe that unless REALLY needed antibiotics can be very dangerous. Bacteria are wicked and strong little buggers and can quickly change and become resistant to current drugs. The use of antibacterials prevent us from exposure and the ability to build up antibodys and build a strong immune system.

If antibiotics are not used correctly and for the fully prescribed time they can really push the bacteria to become stronger, something we DON'T need, there are already enough super bugs out there.

It's funny, we have an Amish friend that has 9 kids now, all the ones old enough to walk are out from last frost to first frost barefoot and doing chores, in with the cows, chickens, horses, goats, in the garden, you name it they're there and exposed to it, and they're all healthy little buggers, lol!

My husband and I have also noticed we're much healthier since we moved to the farm, I almost never end up with a cold or flu anymore and his allergies are almost nonexistant. Hubbies allergies were horrible even when we met, he was allergic to just about everything, cats, dogs, mold, hay, ragweed, etc. Now the only time they bother him at all is the height of haying when he's totally immersed in it.

As for our animals and garden, we're fortunate to be able to raise our own food and treat our animals with respect and allow the animals to live as close to naturally as possible. Our cattle are vaccinated and regularly dewormed but only treated medically under vets orders if needed, we've never had to use antibiotics on them and never use any hormones. Our chickens are free range, this means they get to wander and eat as they please, they are also a great fly/bug control as their favorite food is bugs. Our garden is pesticide free and we only use manure (LOTS OF IT) for fertilizer, makes for the BEST veggies.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Gelding, banding, Castrating and what ya call em!

That title got attention didn't it? I just thought I'd give a basic lesson on what farm animals are called and why. When hubby and I moved out here we had a good bit to learn, and you never know when you'll need the information in conversation!

Cow babies (calves) are called bull calves (male) and heifer calves(female). If the male calf is banded (castrated by rubber bands used to cut off circulation to the testicles) they are called steers. A female is actually called a Heifer until she has her first baby, then she's considered a cow.

A female is a nanny, a male a buck/billy, unless he's banded, then he's called a wether. All goat babies are called kids.

Sheep, females are ewes, males are bucks/rams, again unless banded/castrated, then they are also wethers just like goats.

Horses babies (foals) are female a filly, male a colt, if the colt is castrated it is a gelding, btw, we DON'T band horses. As they grow the colt not castrated is a stallion. A female when she's over 3 years is known as a mare.

Pigs (I'm still learning these, I haven't raised any yet) but I do know that a female brood pig is a sow, a male breeding pig a boar.

Chickens, we call babies peeps/chicks, when grown they are hens (female) and roosters (males).

K, enough for now?

Now, as for life around here, it's busier than it ever was in the city and we're VERY discouraged right now, it was our turn to call the sheriff! The idiot neighbor on the other side who has 80 acres of their own decided that he had to turf our 10 acre hayfield with his quad runner! I'm am NOT amused! This neighbor kid is nothing but trouble, we've heard him out shooting at 2-3am on many occasions, we're sure he's out shining deer (startling them with a bright light and shooting them). We've been trying to lie low and not have to hassle directly with this kid but he's pushed it to far, this was the 3rd time we've run him off our fields, he's destroying our crops!

On the savings front we've been doing really well but did blow the grocery budget, I had to hit Aldis today to the tune of about 20 dollars for extras for Turkey day. I'm also selling a few things on ebay to put a bit extra in savings and pay down the CC's.

Oh, and Turkey day! Only going to be four of us but we're having our first home grown turkey! I shipped them to the butcher today. I can raise em, cook em and eat em but I just can't butcher em!

Hope I didn't gross anyone out to much :)