Friday, November 18, 2005

Wow, got cold fast!

The weather has been wild here the last few days, two days ago it was 70 with high winds and rain, then the cold front hit and the temp dropped 40 degrees in a 12 hour period. Luckily we didn't get any tornados locally but we did get snow today! There was ice in the water troughs at chore time this morning, luckily we already got the hoses drained and put away for the year, now we get to haul water by the bucket until spring.

The last few days have been spent finishing up getting ready for winter, checking gates and chains, checking storm windows, bringing in the last of the plants for the year.

On tuesday morning our brood cow Blizzard decided to bust out and go for a run, forgetting that she had a baby in the barn. Took me a half an hour in the rain to get that girl back in and fed, her calf Lois was sure glad to see her and get a drink!

More work halter breaking this years foals, they and doing well but don't appreciate the loss of freedom, lil Malcolm even threw himself on the ground in a tantrum (just like a kid!) Not to many bruises for me this round.

For dinner this week we've had home made soup and garlic bread, then spagetti and garlic bread, then last night steak, home grown beans and taters. Good stuff and really keeping the grocery bill down.

Also actually went shopping! With hubby home on vacation we took him for a haircut, used a $10 dollar elder beerman card to buy undies (I never turn down free!) and picked up fish food. Even splurged and went out to eat, this is the third time for the year so don't feel guilty :) Will be eating at home the rest of his vacation tho.

Transferred 7 dollars from paypal to savings (payouts from PTR programs). Added 2.16 to the anniversary savings today in loose change, our other 3 savings accts are automatically funded weekly, new truck fund, regular savings and emergency fund. Also spoke to our banker and he started the paperwork to refi the mortgage at a locked in rate, this will help me sleep better at night.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What a weekend on the farm!

It's been a busy few days around here and never a dull moment! Saturday morning was errand time, first to moms to feed the dog (she was in Mississippi for the day, mom is a pilot and we never know where she's going to be next, not bad for a 73 year old!) Then to the feed store and the grocery, I made it out with $32.00 worth of groceries and that should hold us thru the end of the month, thank goodness for two full freezers, we eat like kings here!

On returning home I found I'd forgotten the cat food, barn kitties were NOT impressed with me on that one! Put away groceries and grain and then went to put some of the horses out, note to self, CHECK WHAT HUBBY IS DOING before moving young spooky horses! MAN did Funky (young stallion) ever take me for a run when hubby dropped that load of old rusty iron, we got a tour of the front yard! Kept him in control though and he actually enjoyed the spook!

Caught up on laundry and started getting things together to get back to ebaying, need to get those bills paid down!

Then dinner was steak, garlic bread and baked potatoes (don't hate me! Steak was from a home raised steer!)

Sunday was the real kicker though, you'd think that living back a lane in small town Ohio would be quiet, NOT! We have more traffic and noise back here than we did living right up on the road. This time it was the sheriff, seems one of the neighbors teens threw another fit, don't know if it was the daughter or son (this time) they both have severe emotional issues and we are NOT comfortable having them so close, ugh! And these kids are only 14, we're in for a long haul! This was the 3rd visit that I know of from the sheriff in 2 months!

Monday was a run to the bank to pay $45 extra on the mortgage principal and set up a meeting to refinance and lock in a rate. Then off to Staples for a new digital camera since the old one died.

Oh, on the savings front I started a new account,hey it's only $6.18 but better than nothing! This is our Anniversary fund, we've been married for 12 years now and plan on a spectacular vacation on our 20th anniversary so putting all our change in this account from now on. It's an ING account with %3.5 interest, hope to watch it grow quickly!

Dinner was crock pot soup made with round steak, corn and beans with a few basil leaves, all home grown, yum!!

After chores today I'll start taking pictures of some of the rail road pieces hubby and I will be selling on ebay, anyone need a locomotive cab signal or air gauge?

stay tuned for more!